Last year, we hosted our first-ever drive-through fish fry.
People have been raving about "benefit fish" for quite a while--for eight years, actually. Eight years ago, we added a fish fry and chicken dinner to our annual benefit. The response was enthusiastic. Since those early days, we've worked the meal down to a science (not that there aren't hiccups every now and then). It was only natural, then, that last year, one of our staff wondered if we could pull off a drive-through fish fry.
Everyone was excited, but no one knew what to expect. We believed in the quality of our food, but how many people would come if the weather was unpredictable or the social aspect of benefit was not there?
We shouldn't have worried. The weather was beautiful and we had a great showing of supporters. The fish was done to perfection and the homemade cookies were perfectly chewy.
So, armed with last year's notes, we are ready to put on another drive-through. We'd love to see you this Friday night!
Here is our informational poster. Feel free to print it out and share it with others.